Soul Spirit Connection Offers Free Meditation and Nutrition Classes

Dottie Gannotti
Soul Spirit Connection Wellness and Detox Center, which helps facilitate personal growth with gentleness and ease, offers a variety of classes at their facility in Hatboro, including free guided meditation classes at 7 p.m. on Wednesday nights, and nutrition classes at 7 p.m. on Monday nights. The center’s founder, Dottie Gannotti, intuitive healer and master of IET and Reiki, developed these programs to provide coping skills and inspiration for those experiencing emotional issues, physical pain and traumas.
Soul Spirit Connection’s mission is “to help people find alternatives to the use of pharmaceuticals as a solution to all our problems.” Classes offer alternative healing methods that honor the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual layers of the body and bring the body back into balance holistically. “Meditate instead of medicate” is one of Ganotti’s guiding principles.
“This is a group of people who come together to grow, shift, change, develop, relearn, renew, rejuvenate, strengthen and be empowered in a safe, sacred place. This is a growing community where it is OK to be you,” says Gannotti.
Gannotti also offers Reiki I, II and III, as well as Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) basic, intermediate and advanced classes.
Location: 122 N. York Rd., Ste. 6, Hatboro. For more information, call 215-858-4448, email [email protected] or visit December 2015.