Letter from Publisher, June 2012

To begin, I am sending a huge thank you to all who make this magazine possible. Dr. Deborah Shalders is credited with launching this amazing local publication. Thousands of loyal readers pick up their copy each month, share articles and patronize our advertisers. Scores of local business owners and managers monthly show their support of our mutual mission to awaken our community to the benefits of healthy living on a healthy planet.
The whole Natural Awakenings family contributes each month in ways large and small, as do my amazingly supportive husband and three children. Without you all, none of this would be possible.
Like many fans, for years I have been picking up a monthly copy of the local edition of Natural Awakenings from racks inside local businesses along my daily travel routes and eagerly reading it cover to cover. I was working for a local raw foods company when I decided it was time to explore other opportunities and learned that Dr. Deb was looking for someone to continue publishing this local magazine, so she could concentrate on her practice. I was naturally intrigued.
After some soul searching, I concluded what my husband and close friends have known all along - this is a perfect fit for me, and I now look forward to keeping the magazine a perfect fit for youl
A singular theme has resonated with me throughout this journey, which popped up again in this morning's aerial yoga class: Don't let the fear of failure hinder you. Be open to the possibility of success and allow yourself to feel the possibilities. Fly.
Why consent to being a nonstarter just because we are afraid to fail, be disappointed or even humiliated? Our inner critique our severest judge, is only some fear in disguise. Aspirations count. In aerial yoga, to really feel the effects of the possible, one has to learn to fly. Just so, I am now learning to fly with you all in the realm of natural health and wellness.
I invite you to take hold as never before of this flight full of possibilities.
- Audrey