Local Doctor Awarded Community Health Educator Certification
Dr. Philip A. Pappas was recently certified as a community health educator by the Dr. Rath Health Foundation. Pappas has 21 years of experience in natural health, as well as 24 years of experience with allopathic treatments, including work with clinical psychology, biofeedback, pharmacology, weight loss, stress reduction, diabetes and high blood pressure. Using his extensive knowledge of natural supplements, Pappas has formulated many products currently on the market and gives consultations by appointment at Earth Foods, in Holicong.
Pappas offers insight and education to aid clients improve their health by making lifestyle changes. For individuals seeking assistance with difficult health conditions, he provides an extensive list of referrals for additional help.
Location: Buckingham Green Shopping Center, 4950 York Rd., Holicong. For more information, call 215-794-5311 or e-mail [email protected].