Letter from Publisher, December 2012

“We’re one humanity and we’re all in this together.” ~ Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul
Despite the large and little storms of life, we have been fortunate and have much to be thankful for. While many in our area were relatively unaffected by Hurricane Sandy, others were without power, heat and water for a week or longer. For me, being without electricity and other modern conveniences was a mere inconvenience in the context of the bigger picture; I spent my days being grateful for the powerful good evidenced in people coming together to help those in need.Just as the birdsong marks a clearing of the air after a storm, we’ve all felt a surge in our own spirits and greater hope for humanity. Could it be Nature’s way of reminding us that courageous, compassionate community is much stronger in propelling survival and prosperity than any “each man for himself” mentality?
In this month’s feature article, “It’s All About We: Conscious Evolution: Why Together We’re Better,” writer Linda Sechrist explores how thought leaders such as Jack Canfield and Lynn McTaggart are leading the way in Awakening Humanity from a “what’s mine is mine, what’s yours is yours” point of view into an enlightened “mewe” way of thinking. We rejoice that our Natural Awakenings family of 3.5 million readers around the country embodies this spirit, including our 90-strong family of publishers.
Kelly Martinsen, publisher of the Long Island edition and a resident of Long Beach, New York, is one amazing example. She lost her home and experienced a severe interruption in business, but joined the corps of volunteers helping families and other businesses dig out of the ruins of their once-beautiful beach town. In turn, her magazine’s advertisers and neighboring publishers reached out to share office space, living quarters and otherwise help her keep her own business afloat. “While I have lost much, I feel blessed to have lived through this event,” says Martinsen. “I was able to experience the wonderful nature of people helping people in the days after the storm.”
Tina Woods, publisher of the New York City edition, changed the role of her delivery truck from distributing magazines to carrying food to residents and volunteers assisting Gerritsen Beach neighborhoods, in Brooklyn. She also participated in recovery work along the Jersey Shore and collaborated with her advertisers to raise $1,000 toward relief efforts. Woods observes, “In times like this, you know what it means to truly be local and look to the people immediately next to you to get by.” My own family has donated bags of clothing, food, toiletries and toys. On December 7, this magazine, together with The Nourished Community and Brad’s Raw Foods, will bring together local businesses, artisans and residents for an evening of holiday shopping. A portion of the proceeds will go to K.I.D.S. for children affected by the hurricane. For more information on how you can get involved, email me at [email protected].
Our hearts go out to the many people that have been displaced, lost loved ones and precious things, and whose holidays will be spent restoring some sense of normality. Please take a moment to cherish them in thought or also contribute what time, money or resources you can to help raise spirits this season.
Wishing you peace and joy through the holidays,
- Audrey