I Can Do It! Conference in Orlando

Featured speakers include Dr. Wayne Dyer, who will deliver the Friday evening keynote address; Dr. Brian Weiss, regarded by many as the world’s foremost expert in past-life regression; Dr. Robert Holden, co-author with Louise Hay of the new book Life Loves You; Pam Grout, Kyle Gray, Nick Ortner, Dr. Joan Borysenko, Anita Moorjani and Joe Dispenza, a doctor of chiropractic.
Presentation and workshop topics include Healing Emotional and Physical Pain, Health Secrets, Positive Thinking, Nutrition, Meditation, Angel Guidance, Past Lives, Intuition, Creativity, Self-love, Life Changes, Standing at the Crossroads, Forgiveness and Living Your Truth. Other upcoming I Can Do It! Conferences will be held in London, England, September 5 and 6, and in New York City, November 14 and 15.
Cost: $275 to $375; special prices for one- or two-day attendance and pre-conference workshops. Location: 9400 University Blvd., Orlando. For more information or to preregister, call 800-654-5126 or visit HayHouse.com. August 2015.