Doylestown Food Market Presents Just Eat It

Just Eat It is presented in partnership with the Bucks County Foodshed Alliance and caring community sponsors. The goal of the Farm Fresh Film Series is to present relevant, food-related films that engage and inform. Each screening is followed by a panel discussion and audience talkback.
The expert panel for Just Eat It will feature Steven M. Finn, a sustainability and supply chain leader and managing director at ResponsEcology, and Cathy Snyder, Founder and Executive Director of Rolling Harvest Food Rescue. The Market is planning a food waste awareness campaign in tandem with the screening, where attendees will have the chance to make a personal commitment to reducing their waste.
Upcoming films in the Farm Fresh Film Series will be June’s Tapped, about the effects and consequences of our reliance on plastic water bottles, and November’s Ground Operations: From Battlefields to Farmlands, about veterans becoming farmers.
Location: County Theater, 20 E. State St., Doylestown. Tickets: $8/$10, available at County Theater, Doylestown Food Market or online at March 2016.