Elizabeth Joyce Returns this Fall with Her Spiritual Workshop and Psychic Fair

The Spiritual Intensive workshop offers attendees a chance to raise their vibration and change their lives quickly and confidently by remembering who they are—energetic soul beings, and that they have the voice of sanity and clarity within themselves. “People walk away from these intensives energized, refreshed and re-aligned with spirit. Then magic happens!” says Joyce.
The Fall Psychic Fair benefits Bucks County veterans and offers attendees multiple holistic vendors, as well as different forms of bodywork, including reiki, vibrational healing, energy clearing and the Reconnection. Attendees will have opportunities to receive readings from several local and guest psychics, including Frank St. James of Psychic Detectives and Bio Channel. Advance appointments for readings or bodywork are recommended.
Cost: Workshop: $200/weekend, $125/Sat. only; Fair: $10 entrance, free lunch; booth and table services extra. Free parking. For more information and to register, call 215-996-0646, email [email protected] or visit New-Visions.com. September 2018