DIY Natural Facial Toner
May 02, 2021 05:33PM ● By Jordan Peschek
The use of toner is an often-overlooked step in one’s skincare routine. Toner helps to thoroughly cleanse the skin and promote a healthy appearance. This easy recipe involves only natural ingredients that support glowing skin.
Witch hazel is a natural astringent and reduces skin irritation and inflammation. Rosemary and tea tree have antimicrobial and astringent (skin tightening, pore reducing) properties, and rosemary helps tone skin by boosting circulation. Lavender is soothing to the skin and helps reduce redness. Geranium helps lessen the appearance of wrinkles and promotes a glowing appearance. Read the labels on one’s essential oils to ensure they are pure, therapeutic grade.
30 ml witch hazel
3 drops lavender essential oil
2 drops tea tree (melaleuca) essential oil
2 drops rosemary essential oil
1 drop geranium essential oil
Place all ingredients in a one-ounce spray bottle and shake gently before each use. After washing one’s face, spray toner thoroughly on a cotton pad and wipe on face and neck. Follow up with a natural moisturizer.
Jordan Peschek, RN-BSN, is the publisher of Natural Awakenings Milwaukee. Reach her at [email protected].