Transformation Yoga Project Hosts ‘Pop-Up’ Festivals and Kirtan Artist David Newman

Throughout the month of September, area yoga studios and community partners will host “pop-up” festivals across the greater Philadelphia area as part of #Yoga Heals: A Festival of Gratitude, supporting the Transformation Yoga Project (TYP).
The festival culminates with Songs for Transformation: An Evening with David Newman, on September 29, at the Community Arts Center in Wallingford. This unique gathering will feature a trauma sensitive yoga practice, followed by a performance by Newman, who is a Philadelphia native and world-renowned kirtan and chant artist. Sponsorship levels range from $500 to $2,000.
TYP serves people impacted by trauma, addiction and incarceration through trauma-sensitive, mindfulness-based yoga. It is the mission of TYP to create opportunities for program participants to develop the skills that allow them to heal and navigate life with comfort and ease.
Studios will provide a donation-based, trauma-sensitive yoga or meditation offering on the day of their pop-up event. Pop-ups may also hold space for artisans, crafters, bakers and others in the community to offer their goods at the event, with a portion of proceeds benefiting TYP. TYP is actively seeking such partnerships and welcomes any interested parties to connect.
“TYP is a major collaboration, and we are truly grateful for the volunteers, participants, facilities, staff and sponsors who work with us. #Yoga Heals celebrates how we express our appreciation through yoga, fun and music,” says Lynn Rosenstock, director of operations for TYP. “Interested sponsors and hosts can sign up on our website.”
For more information, call 484-730-1999, email [email protected] or visit
July 2017